Researchers put the future organization of working life under the microscope

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A research team at DTU is collaborating with HK Kommunal on a project that will examine homework as a form of work over three years. Among other things, the researchers will follow the employees at workplaces in municipalities and regions.

The corona pandemic meant that home work really became widespread among large groups of employees. Among HK Kommunal's working members, four out of five have tried to work from home during the corona, a study in December 2020 showed. Before the spread of the infection, this applied to half as many, and for most it has then only been for a few and special coincidence.

It is against this background that HK Kommunal has taken the initiative for a three-year research project in collaboration with DTU, where professor Christine Ipsen and senior researcher Kasper Edwards are responsible. Through interviews, workshops and questionnaires, the researchers follow employees, managers and departments at workplaces in municipalities and regions. Specifically, the project will examine how a hybrid working method with both home work and physical attendance affects the employees' solution of the work tasks. In addition, it will also examine other relevant aspects of home work as a form of work.

The research team will be responsible for a number of deliveries with new results from the project. It is intended that these results can be included in the reflections that are carried out on an ongoing basis in connection with the organization of the hybrid working life at workplaces in municipalities and regions.

Read more about the project and its findings here (in Danish).